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Shawn Rock is a native Houstonian and Founder of Forward Living Ministries. 

 In 2003, she was physically healed of aggressive AML Leukemia, and since her healing, she has continuously pursued and answered God's calling.  In 2004, she was called by God to preach the gospel and became an ordained minister in 2007. In 2015, the spirit of the Lord instructed her to start a ministry, and she would name it "Forward Living Ministries."  Her obedience and resilient passion for Christ produces a desire to see individuals spiritually, emotionally, and physically healed.  Shawn also has a strong passion to help individuals move forward from painful experiences and past setbacks. She believes that God has a purpose for the pain we encounter and as Christians, we should walk freely, boldly, and courageously in fulfilling our God-given purpose on earth. 


Shawn has had the opportunity to bless many lives through her ministry of preaching, teaching, healing, and deliverance.  With a gift for leadership and over 26 years of Executive Leadership, she has equipped and developed many pastors, lay leaders, members, and organizational leaders through leadership coaching, consulting, and training.  She has empowered and change many lives through women conferences, revivals, and other numerous speaking engagements.  With a call to reach the nations, Shawn has traveled to Belize and Puerto Rico as a short-term missionary serving others and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, along with her gifts of healing and deliverance.   Shawn Rock is also the author of "Move Your Life Forward" and "By His Stripes" healing CD.  Her second book is forthcoming. 


Her educational background consists of a Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies and Christian Leadership from College of Biblical Studies, Houston, TX and a Master's Degree in Human Services/Executive Leadership from Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA.  Shawn Rock is married to Minister James Rock and resides in Dallas, TX.  She has five beautiful adult children, one son-in-love, and all together six lovely grandchildren. 


Forward Living Ministries is built upon Philippians 3:14 where it reads, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."






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Forward Living Ministries 

Dallas, Texas

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